Peru’s Embattled President Tenders Resignation On Eve Of Impeachment Vote
Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, who has been accused of corruption, was hit with the release of video footage this week that appeared to support the allegations.
Israel Acknowledges Having Bombed A Suspected Syrian Nuclear Reactor In 2007
The revelation confirms long-held suspicions that the raid destroyed what Israel believed to be a nuclear reactor. Israeli officials made clear they intend this announcement to send a message to Iran.
Austin bomb saga shows law enforcement’s deep new reach
For one, the bomber, whom police identified as Mark Anthony Conditt, lived just a block from Rocha’s house. “I’ve seen him so many times,” says Rocha, who has been a resident of Pflugerville for 28 years. Recommended: How much do you know about Texa…
American Business Leaders In China Concerned About Trump’s Trade Actions
U.S. businesses in China have had their intellectual property stolen, technology ‘transferred’ and some have had data taken from them by China’s government. But many U.S. business leaders say the trade actions President Trump is proposing against China…
Insurgents In Nigeria Release Most Of 101 Schoolgirls Abducted Last Month
In a surprising move, extremists in northeastern Nigeria returned most of the 101 girls schoolgirls abducted a month ago. Their return came with a warning: no more school. Five girls reportedly died in the kidnapping and at least one girl remains captive.
Finland’s homeless crisis nearly solved. How? By giving homes to all who need.
As anyone who has visited Europe recently can attest, the scourge of homelessness has reached epidemic proportions. The only exception to the trend is Finland, according to FEANTSA, the European Federation of National Organizations Working with the Ho…
A Saudi leader’s test of moderation
During his long visit to the United States, one question has hung over Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman: What do you mean exactly in promising to restore “moderate Islam” to Saudi Arabia? For a wealthy nation that exported hate-filled theology for dec…
In Oaxaca, Mexico, A Locally Made Soda Takes Aim At Coca-Cola’s Supremacy
Oaxacan restaurants are offering diners an alternative to the ubiquitous Coke by selling Zega-Cola, an artisanal soda made in small batches nearby. Its maker hopes that will translate into local jobs.
Putin’s provocations: Is it a new cold war if West doesn’t push back?
When NBC journalist Megyn Kelly interviewed Vladimir Putin this month, she asked about Russian protectorate Syria’s continuing use of chemical weapons. “One wants to say, ‘Boring,’ ” Mr. Putin sighed. Recommended: Sochi, Soviets, and czars: How much…
Abducted By Boko Haram, Now Posing With Lady Liberty In Times Square
Hauwa and Ya Kaka aren’t typical teens. This month they came to the U.S. to speak up for the thousands of abductees still being held. But they also made time for tourist fun.
March 21 Is The Busiest Day On The U.N. Calendar
There are five — count ’em — five special events, from World Poetry Day to International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.
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