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Louisville lands fourth 2020 commitment in Georgia defensive tackle

On Thursday evening, Dezmond Tell, a defensive lineman from Hampton, Georgia announced his commitment to the Cardinals via his Twitter account.


Planting the Seeds of a Story With Farmers in the Midwest

We talked about weather cycles, commodity prices, tariffs and Trump. Then we drove off to the next field.

Trump Administration Lifts Ethanol-Fuel Ban That Was Meant to Cut Smog

The change, sought by corn-belt farmers hurt by the China trade war, drew criticism from environmentalists as well as energy companies.

An Army Veteran Comes to Terms With Not Having PTSD

A reminder that popular tropes and easy assumptions about how trauma affects people often do not fit, and we all still have much to learn.

A new indigenous environmental strategy: Buying the pipeline

The Trans Mountain oil pipeline cuts the traditional lands of the Secwepemc First Nation in British Columbia’s interior in two. No struggle has been more explosive than that between environmentalists and indigenous groups pitted against the energy sec…

As Missouri’s Last Abortion Provider Nears Closing, Neighboring Clinics Prepare

With hours to go before the expiration of a state license that allows a Missouri health center to perform abortions, clinics across state lines say they are preparing for an influx of patients.

The threat of dead horses at Santa Anita should make the Breeders' Cup consider moving

With almost 30 horses having died on Santa Anita’s track in the last few months, there’s more reason than ever to move the Breeders’ Cup.




Elizabeth Warren Wants Congress to Ensure Presidents Can Be Indicted

Seeking to clarify that “no president is above the law,” Ms. Warren called for reversing a Justice Department policy that prevents their indictment.

Why You Should Care About the State Democratic Party Convention

Friday: First of all, presidential candidates. In other news: President Trump’s Mexico tariff plan; and the controversial college map that wasn’t

Julian Assange Suffering Psychological Torture, U.N. Expert Says

The United Nations special rapporteur on torture accused Britain, Sweden and the United States of persecuting the WikiLeaks founder and said he should not be extradited.

Readers re-imagine lyrics for Stephen Foster's 'My Old Kentucky Home'

A few weeks ago, we asked readers to submit new lyrics for “My Old Kentucky Home” following a Derby column by Joe Gerth. Here are their submissions.


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