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U.S. Intelligence Chiefs Contradict Trump on North Korea and Iran

North Korea is “unlikely to give up” its nuclear stockpiles and Iran is not trying to develop nuclear weapons, a new intelligence assessment says, directly challenging the president’s assertions.

How This Trump Policy Is Triggering Chaos at the Border

The Trump administration’s hard-line stance on keeping migrants out is pushing asylum seekers to take remote and dangerous routes into the United States. And a wall might not be able to fix that.

Lens: From the Civil Rights Movement to Black Lives Matter: Honoring Black Mothers Who Lost Their Sons

The making of Sheila Pree Bright’s photo-mural of black women who had lost their sons gave a group of mothers a chance to tell their stories.

PG&E’s Bankruptcy Filing Creates ‘a Real Mess’ for Rival Interests

A move by California’s largest electric utility, anticipating billions of dollars in damage claims, leaves wildfire victims, ratepayers, investors, creditors and suppliers to battle over a plan.

FaceTime Bug Lets iPhone Users Eavesdrop, in a Stumble for Apple

A glitch in the video and audio calling app, which the company says it will fix, can turn the device into one perhaps better suited for espionage.

Prominent Democrats Form Pro-Israel Group to Counter Skepticism on the Left

The group will create a political action committee and may be active in Democratic primaries. It is also planning to organize pro-Israel Democrats in early nominating states for 2020.

Stephon Clark’s Family Sues Sacramento and Police Officers Over Killing

The lawsuit seeks at least $20 million in damages and alleges that the officers who fatally shot Mr. Clark had racially profiled him and used excessive force.

News Analysis: Taliban Talks Raise Question of What U.S. Withdrawal From Afghanistan Could Mean

A hasty American withdrawal, experts said, would erode the authority and legitimacy of the Afghan government, raising the risk that the Taliban could recapture control.

4 Houston Police Officers Are Shot in Gun Battle That Kills 2 Suspects

The police officers were part of a team that was trying to search a home for drugs, including black tar heroin, when they were met with gunfire.

Senate Advances Pro-Israel Bill as G.O.P. Searches for Democratic Divisions

A Senate measure to combat the boycott-Israel movement is as much about highlighting new Democratic voices critical of Israel as it is about defending the Jewish State.

Charter Schools Suffer Setback in Aftermath of Los Angeles Strike

Supporters of charter schools are back on their heels in Los Angeles and across the country after a wave of mass teacher walkouts.

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