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Democrats Focus on Shutdown’s Cost and Steer Away From Trump’s Wall

President Trump’s relentless demands for a wall could divide Democrats over border security alternatives, so they are sticking to what unifies them: Reopening the government.

Why Puerto Rico Is No. 1 on Our Places to Go List

Recovering from Hurricane Maria, in 2019 the island represents so many fragile spots around the globe.

Democrats Start Investigative Gears, but Slowly

After two years of pining, Democrats finally have the gavels and subpoenas they need to investigate President Trump and his administration. Blockbuster findings? Don’t expect them anytime soon.

At War: I Grew Up Believing My Grandfather Was a War Hero. Army Records Said Otherwise.

Home from World War II, my grandfather told family members about being in a fierce tank battle. Years after his death, I started doing research and piecing the story together.

With 86% Drop, California’s Monarch Butterfly Population Hits Record Low

The monarchs’ declining wintertime numbers are “potentially catastrophic,” according to the nonprofit conservation group that conducted the count.

On Politics: Trump’s Prime-Time Gamble

The president attempted to pressure Congress into funding his border wall with a televised address that included numerous misleading claims.

Police Collect DNA From Nursing Home Workers After Rape of Patient

After a woman in a vegetative state gave birth at a private nursing home, the authorities took genetic samples from the male staff members there.

2020 Democratic Hopefuls React to Trump’s Speech

Several likely Democratic candidates in the 2020 presidential race were among those on the left who reacted swiftly and sharply to President Trump’s prime-time address about a border wall.

Trump Pushes Border Wall, Democrats Respond

As the government shutdown grinds on, President Trump laid out his case for the border wall. Top Democrats Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer were not convinced.

Full Transcripts: Trump’s Speech on Immigration and the Democratic Response

The following are transcripts of both Mr. Trump’s speech and the Democratic rebuttal, as prepared by The New York Times.

Trump Appeals for Wall, Citing Misleading Statistics of Crisis and Crime Along Border

President Trump sought to go over the heads of Congress to enlist support for his border wall, raising the stakes of a conflict that has closed many federal agencies.

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