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Your Thursday Briefing

George Bush, Huawei, Japan: Here’s what you need to know

Elizabeth Warren Stands by DNA Test. But Around Her, Worries Abound.

Since releasing the results in October, the ancestry issue clouding her possible presidential campaign has only intensified.

‘There Isn’t Hope for Us:’ Once Dominant, California Republicans Are on the Ropes

The California Republican Party is slouching toward irrelevance after an Election Day that party leaders described as disastrous.

U.S. Murder Rate for 2018 Is on Track for a Big Drop

Murders are down so far in a sample of large American cities, typically a good indicator for national numbers.

At War: Rocket-Boosted but Going Nowhere Fast: The Navy’s Failed Munitions Programs

The Navy has spent more than $1 billion trying to develop projectiles to support land attacks by the Marine Corps, with little to show for its investment.

On Politics: A Nation Remembers President Bush

George H.W. Bush’s funeral at Washington National Cathedral drew five living presidents, family, friends and dignitaries from around the world.

In Charlottesville Murder Trial, Courtroom Relives Trauma of a Violent Day

The trial of James Fields Jr., who drove into a crowd of protesters, has led to an odd reunion more than a year after a deadly rally.

As Flynn Case Winds Down, Investigation of Turkish Lobbying Persists

The special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, has referred back to prosecutors in Virginia a case that once ensnared President Trump’s former national security adviser.

North Carolina Republicans Targeted Voter Fraud. Did They Look at the Wrong Kind?

North Carolina passed one of the nation’s toughest voter I.D. laws. But the fraud investigation going on now is focused on absentee ballots, which the state made easier to file.

Wisconsin, Limiting Governor, Borrows a Page From North Carolina’s Book

After much litigation, state courts in North Carolina have consistently ruled against the restrictions Republicans passed in 2016.

Sy Kattelson, Photographer Who Made Art From Street Life, Dies at 95

A member of the Photo League, he captured New York City life in its unguarded moments, creating nuanced, intimate pictures that brought him acclaim.

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