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Fund-Raiser Held Out Access to Trump as a Prize for Prospective Clients

The fund-raiser, Elliott Broidy, suggested to prospective clients of his security firm, including some with unsavory records, that he could arrange meetings with the president or his associates.

In Gun Control Marches, Students Led but Adults Provided Key Resources

The March for Our Lives demonstrations were triumphs of organic, youthful grass-roots energy, and of sophisticated, experienced organizational muscle.

Opposing Factions Join to Push Confirmation of a Gay Trump Appointee

Scores of the president’s nominees are held up in the Senate, but few confirmation drives have turned into a cause as the one for his pick for ambassador to Germany has.

As Amazon Steps Up Tax Collections, Some Cities Are Left Out

Amazon now collects sales tax in every state that has one, but a report finds that the company still doesn’t collect local taxes in dozens of cities.

Gun Marches Keep Republicans on Defense in Midterm Races

The March for Our Lives is another display of energy on the left, but the gun issue could play out differently in House and Senate races.

Buell Neidlinger, Acclaimed Genre-Crossing Bassist, Dies at 82

He had a founding role in free jazz, played alongside Cecil Taylor, performed in a Stravinsky premiere and recorded with Dolly Parton and the Eagles.

Trump Won’t Hire 2 Lawyers Whose Appointments Were Announced Days Ago

The upheaval comes at a critical time for Mr. Trump, who is deciding whether to sit with the special counsel for an interview, after his former lead lawyer quit.

When the Elderly Call for Help, a ‘Chain’ Immigrant Often Answers

A proposal to change the immigration system from family-based to skills-based could shrink a primary source of workers for the growing senior-care industry.

What Emma González Said Without Words at the March for Our Lives Rally

Ms. González, a survivor of last month’s school shooting in Parkland, Fla., used her time onstage at Saturday’s rally in Washington to convey the length of the attack.

Fiery Speech, and Charged Silence, From a Parkland Student

Emma González, a senior at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., used her speech at the March for Our Lives rally in Washington to remember classmates who had been killed.

At Rallies, Students With a Different View of Gun Violence: As Urban Reality

The protests in Washington and Chicago drew young people for whom the anguish of shootings feels different: The bloodshed comes not in isolated bursts of mass slaughter, but instead in a ceaseless rhythm.

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