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Pressured by Trump, A.T.F. Revisits Bump Stock Rules

In repeatedly promising that bump stocks would be banned, President Trump may have opened his Justice Department to lawsuits.

How Young Is Too Young to Protest? A National Gun-Violence Walkout Is Testing Schools.

A coordinated protest on Wednesday at schools across the country has administrators making special plans for students who may not be old enough to handle the subject.

Trump Finds Unlikely Culprit in School Shootings: Obama Discipline Policies

The president, goaded by conservatives, is targeting an effort to address racial disparities in school discipline, arguing that any relaxation of policies could let a killer slip through the cracks.

Surfacing: How One Sport Is Keeping a Language, and a Culture, Alive

Pelota mixteca has been played for hundreds of years by indigenous people throughout the Americas. But it’s more than a competitive event.

Charles Manson’s Remains Will Go to Purported Grandson, Judge Rules

Jason Freeman says he wants to give Mr. Manson, one of the most notorious killers of the last century, a proper burial.

Trump Plans to View Wall Prototypes. Here Are Some He Won’t See.

The government asked for “innovative design.” In response, proposals envisioned concepts like a vivid pink wall, one topped by a monorail and a moat with nuclear waste.

Relentless Weather: More Snow as Another Nor’easter Blasts New England

New England endured its third storm in two weeks. Schools, flights and trains were canceled, as some weary residents were again plunged into darkness.

Guantánamo Lawyers Challenge Government’s Explanation for Hidden Microphone

The declassification of the fact that defense lawyers found a hidden microphone is shedding new light on what caused a military commissions meltdown.

White House Aides Blur the Legal Lines Between Partisans and Public Servants

At least eight complaints have been filed against White House officials since President Trump’s inauguration for potential violations of the Hatch Act.

Trump’s Evolving Positions on Gun Issues

The president has repeatedly shifted his stance on a wide range of gun issues — from purchasing age to background checks to ownership rights — over nearly 20 years.

Trump Blocks Broadcom’s Bid for Qualcomm

President Trump issued an order prohibiting Broadcom, a Singapore-based chip maker, from purchasing Qualcomm, citing a threat to the national security of the United States.

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