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New York asks appeals court to keep restrictive gun law in effect

The state of New York on Monday asked an appeals court to allow a restrictive gun law to remain in effect as it appeals a decision by a federal judge that temporarily blocked parts of the measure.

Kanye West, Tommy Tuberville and the antisemitic, racist, no good, very bad weekend

Comments from Kanye West and U.S. Sen. Tommy Tuberville made for a big weekend of repulsive, high-profile displays of antisemitism and racism.


Makers of Texas Pete hot sauce face lawsuit over product being made in North Carolina

A lawsuit filed against Texas Pete hot sauce claims that makers knowingly capitalized on consumers’ desire for authentic Texan cuisine.

These 3 factors proved critical – and deadly – in Florida’s preparation for Hurricane Ian

Were Florida residents given enough time to evacuate? A review of the timeline shows how three factors muddled the response to Hurricane Ian.


Ye locked out of social media for antisemitism; Jamie Lee Curtis, Sarah Silverman, more react

Jamie Lee Curtis, Sarah Silverman, Diane Warren and more spoke out against Kanye West after his antisemitic posts on Twitter and Instagram.


What Indigenous Peoples’ Day means to Native Americans

For centuries, the US celebrated Christopher Columbus as the intrepid explorer who discovered the Americas — a symbol of the American ideals of entrepreneurship and innovation.

Russia unleashes deadly strikes on Kyiv, other Ukraine cities in retaliation for Crimea bridge blast: Live updates

Ukraine’s capital Kyiv was struck by missiles for the first time in months, and several cities took severe blows, 2 days after bridge blast. Updates.


Black saliva, sore throat, shortness of breath: How dangerous is wildfire season for US farmworkers?

Farmworkers on the West Coast, including California, have reported specific health problems during wildfire season. Researchers want to know more.


The ‘white gold’ rush: Why lithium demand is skyrocketing and what it means for consumers

Lithium prices have surged roughly 500% year over year amid heightened electric vehicle demand, triggering a global race to find and extract more.


How not to run out of money in retirement

No one wants to run out of money before they die.

White-collar workers are feeling the brunt of the Fed’s rate hikes

September’s hotly anticipated jobs data ended up cooling markets on Friday. Stocks fell sharply as investors evaluated the report, which showed more jobs than expected were added to the US economy and indicated that more pain-inflicting interest rate h…

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