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Qatar’s Influence Campaign

NPR’s Scott Simon asks Julie Bykowicz of The Wall Street Journal about a novel lobbying strategy employed by Qatar to influence U.S. policies.

Readers write: Influence of ‘Jurassic Park,’ Daily praise, wisteria memories, Americans finding common ground

The June 11 Focus story, “Rise of the ‘Jurassic Park’ generation,” was great! I am a longtime science teacher, and I, too, have seen the profound influence that this movie series has had on my students over the years. Recommended: Could you pass a US…

U.S. Ends Funding Of UN Agency That Supports Palestinian Refugees

“The United States will no longer commit further funding to this irredeemably flawed operation,” the State Department said. It’s a loss of about $300 million in funding for schools and clinics.

Trump Administration Is Cutting Aid To Palestinian Refugees

The Trump administration has been withholding aid to the United Nations’ program for Palestinian refugees. It’s expected to make the cuts final in what could be an attempt to undercut Palestinian positions in any future peace deal.

Russia Plans To Hold Largest War Games In 4 Decades

Russia is preparing for massive war games in September that will include China. The message to the West: we have friends too, including China’s burgeoning military

German Farmers Struck By Drought Fear Further Damage From Climate Change

High temperatures and a severe drought have hit food production in Germany and left many farmers there wondering what they can do to survive climate change.

Former Political Leader Of Scotland Is Facing Allegations Of Sexual Misconduct

In Britain, the former head of the Scottish National party, who resigned from the party this week after being accused of sexual harassment, has raised over $120,000 to help him fight the allegations.

U.N. Urges China To Stop Detaining Uighurs; ‘Political Reeducation’ Centers Reported

The U.N. Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination says it is alarmed by reports of detentions, mass surveillance, and “frequent baseless police stops.”

The women activists for peace in Syria

After seven years of war in Syria, so many men have been killed or left the country that women are now a dominant presence in many parts of Syrian society. This is especially true in Idlib, the last province still largely controlled by opposition forc…

Can John McCain memorials be a healing moment?

In his final years, John McCain became an increasingly polarizing figure. Most telling, perhaps, were the bitterly negative comments about McCain on social media, amid the praise. “There’s a longing for a sense of coming together with purpose, and I …

Detroit battles tax penalties that create city of renters

Pearlie Mack was a homeowner for years, until a series of difficult-to-prevent disasters. First, an electrical fire left her West Side Detroit home in ashes in 1998. Last summer, a bright orange foreclosure notice was tacked on the front door of the …

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